Young Investors Series Modules

The Young Investors Series has been developed to impart financial literacy to teenagers in order to prepare them to face challenges in handling money when they eventually progress into the real world.

The syllabus allows kids to learn essential financial competences in managing funds, keeping track of their finances, planning for key commitments and making informed decisions on financial products. The mode of learning has been developed to be fun but informative so students will enjoy through games that simulate real-life situations and get to make financial decisions.

It is LIAM’s belief that the foundation of financial literacy should be built from childhood and our Young Investors Series has been tailor made to introduce youths to the intricate concepts and principles of finance that would ultimately lead them to the path of financial freedom.

Module One –What is Money

This module asks and answers the basic question – “What is money, and why we need it”. We introduce the concept of barter, the development of different forms of money and how banks came about. Students are also taught how the role of financial institutions have evolved beyond taking deposits and giving loans.

Module Two – The ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ words in Finance

That is… Budgeting, Credit and Debt.  Few students earn an income at this stage of their lives, but all are familiar with spending! Students get hands-on experience designing a budget, using a credit card and face the consequences of rolling over debt.  They will appreciate the quintessential difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’, learn how to calculate interest on credit card debt and how long it can take to pay off even a meager amount owing.

Module Three – Savings versus Investments

The main foundation to wealth-building is Savings and in this module, we teach that not only consistency is key to growing money but there is power in small amounts. Students will be mesmerized by the magic of compounding and start to comprehend the need to have their money work for them in the form of investments even as they work for the money.

Module Four – Securing your Nest Egg

It is not enough to simply accumulate cash. In life, the Boy Scout motto of “being prepared” applies to the journey of securing one’s Nest Egg. Bad things can – and do – happen, usually when we least expect it.  Hence in order to protectreal purchasing power of one’s accumulated savings, we introduce the concepts of insurance and inflation.

Module Five – How to start Building Wealth

With the fundamental building blocks in place, students are now ready to put it all together. This module focuses on growing savings by exploring the different modes available for investment. We broadly discuss the key characteristics and circumstances under which each investment would be suitable.