
Dr. Nicky Reid,
Roehampton University,
London, United Kingdom

Plato, the Greek philosopher once said ‘The direction in which education starts a man, will determine his future life”

Graduates are expected to have developed skills in analysis and logical thinking through their degree studies. They need to demonstrate that they have good communication skills, both spoken and written; and that they are flexible, open-minded and able to take the initiative. These core competencies may all be true, but primary research has shown that these skills alone do not prepare young people sufficiently for the real world of work.

Induction training is frequently under used in business for new starters and graduates, but I am delighted to see that LIAM Consultants have produced a series of training modules and resource materials, that as an educator and trainer, I have found extremely useful and refreshing.

It is uplifting to find a company that has had the forethought to bridge the gap by providing an effective learning and development tool that is both innovative and insightful.

Done well, induction training can offer a unique opportunity to:
• Engage and motivate new employees from day one
• Quickly develop competencies in key areas
• Build trust and loyalty between staff, managers and customers
• Provide an environment that believes in the investment of people
• Allows staff to become successful.

The materials allow the learner to have a clearer understanding of the wider environment in which their organization is placed and the need for effective and efficient customer care; coupled with a detailed knowledge of the market place in which their company operates. The teaching resources are of a very high quality and each module has been researched and adapted to suit the specific needs of the learner. All the modules are well-structured and professionally presented.

I have personally used these materials with groups of students, who have found them to be inspiring and thought provoking. They have provided the opportunity to gain a greater insight into the needs of the employer and those of the customer. I feel that these modules have been beneficial to everyone who has taken them and I would not hesitate to recommend the training materials to others.

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